I can evaluate for autism, ADHD, learning disabilities (commonly referred to as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia), gifted, executive function difficulties, anxiety, and depression. If you are curious about functioning related to cognition, memory, academic achievement, behavior, social skills, or development, I have tools and skills to glean useful information.
Comprehensive Reports
Testing results are written up into detailed reports that represent each person’s functioning. I take a strengths-based approach to provide clients hope and reassurance that things will be okay! Reports can be shared with schools and agencies to allow for access to services, scholarships, accommodations, and interventions.
I am not a mental health therapist, but I can provide counseling within my scope of practice. I offer this service at the individual and group level. My areas of speciality include executive functioning, self-regulation, social skills, and academic planning/goal-setting. I especially enjoy helping people manage anxiety.
How Can I Help with School?
Do you remember a time when your child loved going to school?
I can partner with you using a collaborative approach to get back to that place!
Parents will get the tools they need to navigate school systems and will be empowered by knowing their rights!
Families will receive comprehensive services that not only provide a strengths-based report, but also a plan for treatment.
Do I Work with Adults?
This depends on what the adult needs, but I absolutely can.
Are you in need of an evaluation to access services in college or in the community? Perhaps you are in college and having difficulty managing assignments and classes or are facing mental health difficulties.
Are you seeking an evaluation to provide understanding of your functioning? Finding out the ‘why’ behind differences can be affirming and empowering.
Are you a parent looking for advice on how to parent a child who is neurodiverse? Parenting can be tough! Knowing what unique needs your child has can unlock helpful tools and guidance.
Are you interested in mentorship, coaching, or supervision? If you are a student or early career school psychologist, reach out today.
I can help!
You Might Be My Ideal Client if You are Asking Questions Like These:
Does my child have dyslexia, or do they just need extra help in school?
Am I on the spectrum, or is this my personality?
(Either way, you are amazing!)
I do not agree with what is happening in school. How do I get help?
Why is it so tough for me to focus?
Let’s Get You to Your Best Self!
Contact Me
I love what I do and am excited at the potential of partnering with you!